Distributors Worldwide

U.S. and Canada
If you are interested in purchasing an ICS product, please contact ICS offices at (818) 998-5805 or you may choose an appropriate dealer below.
Feel free to contact us by clicking on the Contact Us tab and filling out a form.
For information on where to buy ICS Image MASSters Products outside the US & Canada.
Forensic Store Inc. Largo, Florida 877-246-4824 ext. 205 www.forensicstore.com |
Technical Resource Center Atlanta, Georgia 800-839-2088 www.trcglobal.com |
ABC US Norcross, Georgia 770-448-5667 www.abcusinc.com |
Southern California
ATP Cameron Park, California 530-676-0295 www.atp-p51.com |
Data Devices International San Marino, California 626-799-6545 www.datadev.com |
CD Solutions Pleasant Hill, Ohio 1-800-860-CDROM (2376) www.cds.com |
9to5 Computer
Fedtek Lake Ridge, Virginia 703-551-4718 www.fedtek.com |
1548 The Greens Way #2 Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 (904) 280-2544 www.9to5computer.info |
Northern Micro 3155 Swansea Cr. Ottawa Ontario K1G 3J3 Tel: (800) 563-1007 Email: info@nmicro.ca www.northernmicro.com |
Distributors Worldwide
Australia & New Zealand
Belgium & Luxembourg
Fulcrum Management Pty Ltd PO Box 447 Dee Why NSW 2099 Australia Tel: +61 (0) 411-883-475 Fax: +61 (0) 2-9982-9822 Email: david.lewis@fulcrum.net.au www.fulcrum.net.au |
Arcobel Embeded Solutions bvba* Nieuwmoer-Dorp 19 2920 Kalmthout Belgium Tel: +32 (0) 3 236 77 26 Fax: +32 (0) 3 636 22 27 Email: ronny.saelens@arcobel.com www.arcobel.com |
TechBiz Forensic Digital SA Rua Helena, 280 sl 906 e 907 Vila Olimpia São Paulo, Brazil, 04.552-050 Tel: +55 11 3525-7568 Email: forensedigital@techbiz.com.br Contact:Giovani Thibau Christófaro Email: giovani@techbiz.com.br www.forensedigital.br |
Northern Micro 3155 Swansea Cr. Ottawa Ontario K1G 3J3 Tel: (800) 563-1007 Email: a.langstaff@nmicro.ca Email: info@nmicro.ca www.northernmicro.com |
FINALDATA INC. 7F Media center, 175 Hakdong-ro Gangnam-Gu Seoul,135-010, KOREA Tel: (82)2 3438 6600 Fax: (82)2 3438 6602 Contact: International Sales Dpt. Email: worldwide@finaldata.com www.finaldata.com |
Internet Solutions, Ltda. Calle 20 82-52 Oficina 3-27 Centro Empresarial Hayuelos Bogota, D. C. - Colombia Tel: (57)1-749-5240 Email: info@internet-solutions.com.co www.internet-solutions.co |
Czech Republic
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TERRA Computer Systems Ltd. Olomoucka 81 62700 Brno Czech Republic Tel: +420-54-842-3811 Fax: +420-54-821-3810 Email: sales@terra.cz www.terra.cz |
DataExpert Nordic AB Storgatan 32 A 582 32 Linköping SWEDEN Tel: +46 735 000644 Email: info@dataexpert-se.se www.dataexpert-se.se |
DataExpert Nordic AB Storgatan 32 A 582 32 Linköping SWEDEN Tel: +46 735 000644 Email: info@dataexpert-se.se www.dataexpert-se.se |
Tracip Sarl 6 RUE ROBERT SCHUMAN ZA LE BREUIL 54850 MESSEIN FRANCE Tel: 0033 (0)1 46 250 950 Email: contact@tracip.fr Email: ebizodot@tracip.fr Email: jlguidor@tracip.fr www.tracip.fr |
MH SERVICE GmbH* AN DER RAINMUEHLE 9 D-76185 KARLSRUHE GERMANY Tel: +49-721-83173-30 Fax: +49-721-83173-49 Email: info@mh-service.de www.mh-service.de * Distributor for Forensic Products only. |
LSK Data Systems GmbH* Benzstrasse 21 64804 DIEBURG GERMANY Tel: +49-6071-9852-0 Fax: +49-6071-9852-52 Email: info@lsk.de www.lsk.de * Distributor for IT Products only |
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IPC Rendszerek Kft. (IPC Systems LTD.) 1183 BUDAPEST, Honvéd u. 38. Hungary tel: +36-30-742-1006 / +361-700-1518 email: info@ipcr.hu www.ipcr.hu * Distributors for IT Products only |
Inforensics Kft. (Inforensics Ltd.) Kecskemet (Kecskemét) Csanyi J. blvd. 12. 3/303 (Csányi J. krt. 12. 3/303) ZIP: 6000 Hungary tel: +36-30-239-9532 www.inforensics.hu email: info@inforensics.hu tel: +36-30-239-9532 * Distributors for Forensic Products only |
DataExpert Nordic AB Storgatan 32 A 582 32 Linköping SWEDEN Tel: +46 735 000644 Email: info@dataexpert-se.se www.dataexpert-se.se |
ICS Israel
DISTRIBUTORS 3rd Eye Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Contact: Niraj Kumar B2, 2ndFloor,60 Feet Road, Pul Pehladpur New Delhi-110044, India Tele/Fax: +91-11-26364696 Mobile: +91-7042945222 contact@3rdeyetechnosolutions.com www.3rdeyetechnosolutions.com |
LS Consulting Attn: Shabtay Levy Laskov Str., 3/14 Ramat Poleg, Netanya 42656 Israel Tel: +972 9 835-1229 GSM: +972 54 447-6585 Email: shabtay07@bezeqint.net |
ICSW DEKEL Karlibach 23 Tel Aviv Israel Tel: 035473316 Mobile: 0546868444 |
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Software Products Italia Via Arno, 108 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) Italy Tel: +39-055-33651 Fax: +39-055-340558 Email: mktg@softpi.it www.softpi.it ICS Product Manager Marco Zeppilli Email: mzeppilli@softpi.it Mobile: +39-347-3552413 |
FINALDATA INC. 7F Media center, 175 Hakdong-ro Gangnam-Gu Seoul, 135-010, KOREA Tel: (82)2 3438 6600 Fax: (82)2 3438 6602 Contact: Jin Kim/ COO Email: productplan@finaldata.com www.finaldata.com |
UBIC, Inc. 2-12-23, Kounan, Minato-ku 108-0075 Meisan Takahama Building 7F Tokyo, Japan Contact: Naritomo Ikeue Tel: 81- 3-5463-6344 Fax: 81-3-5463-6345 Email: forensics@ubic.co.jp www.ubic.co.jp |
Acrobel Embeded Solutions B.V Cereslaan 10 5384 VT HEESCH THE NETHERLANDS Han Adams Tel: +31 (0) 412-660066 Email: hans.adams@arcobel.com www.arcobel.nl |
Absurd Ideas AB Vasavägen 61 A SE-552 32 Linköping SWEDEN Email: christian@absurdideas.se www.absurdideas.se |
Mediarecovery Media Sp. z o.o. ul.Piotrowicka 61 40-723 Katowice Poland Contact: Tomasz Tatar Tel: 0048 32 782 95 95 Email: ttatar@mediarecovery.pl www.forensictools.pl |
South Africa
Romsym Data S.R.L. Popa Nan 108A, Sector 3, Bucharest , Romania Tel.021/3231431;0749100053 Att: Andreea Firescu Email: andreea.firescu@romsym.ro www.romsym.ro DISTRIBUTOR ALSO REPRESENTS: Moldavia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Malta |
Fulcrum Management Pty Ltd Tel: +61 (0)411-883-475 Fax: +61 (0)2-9982-9822 Email: david.lewis@fulcrum.net.au |
INTELLISTOR Att: Chris Roux Unit 2, 54 Suni Ave, Corporate Park South Midrand 1682 South Africa Tel: +27-11-314-9030 Email: chris@intellistor.co.za www.intellistor.co.za |
Spain & Portugal
Spain & Portugal
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CSYS DUPLICACION S.L. Tel.: 607 997 362 comercial@csysdsl.es www.csysdsl.es Att: José Luis Cortón |
Carlos Sánchez, Director Ondata International Phone: +34 914174468 carlos.sanchez@ondata.es www.ondata.es Avda. Brasil 17- 3º 28020 Madrid Spain |
DataExpert Nordic AB Storgatan 32 A 582 32 Linköping SWEDEN Tel: +46 735 000644 Email: info@dataexpert-se.se www.dataexpert-se.se |
Arina Electronic Corgnuns 727 7550 SCUOL Switzerland Contact: Markus Mosca Tel: +41-81-864-8848 Email: mosca@arina.ch www.arina.ch |
DECISION-COMPUTER INT. CO., LTD. 4F, NO. 31, ALLEY 4 LANE 36, SEC. 5, MING-SHENG EAST RD TAIPEI, 105 TAIWAN Tel. +886-2-2766-5753 Email: decision@decision.com.tw www.decision.com.tw |
EMT Electronics |
EPOS 44, Verkhniy Val str. Kiev, 04071, Ukraine Contact: Sergey Checkhovsky Commercial Director Tel: +380-44-425-0049 Cell: +380-50-330-7494 Email: sch@epos.ua www.epos.ua |